Where History, Cooking and Storytelling Meet: A Taste of Empire

Dec 19 2017, 6:37 pm

Food, family, and stories. It seems like no matter what culture you come from, there is a tradition that involves gathering over food to swap stories. Maybe you’re sharing the joys and trials of your day, or maybe you’re sharing the story of the food.

A local theatre company here in Vancouver is taking this concept to the next level. It gives new meaning to the term “dinner theatre.”

A Taste of Empire is a new piece by Boca Del Lupo Theatre. In this 90 minute live performance/cooking demonstration mashup, Jovanni Sy takes the audience on an entertaining and thought-provoking trip through history as he weaves stories of conquest, imperialistic desires and colonialism through the construction (and deconstruction) of the Rellenong Bangus, a Phillipino stuffed fish recipe.

Rellenong Bangus. Photo credit: Keith Barker

Rellenong Bangus. Photo credit: Keith Barker

Equal parts theatre, history, and cooking demonstration, A Taste of Empire is a wacky and fun culinary exploration of global food domination and the conquest for our appetites.

The show includes includes hors d’oeuvres and a tasting plate.

Photo Credit: Keith Barker

Photo Credit: Keith Barker

Catch it May 22-25, nightly at 8 p.m. at the Courtyard at  the Granville Island Public Market, or May 31-June 1 at the Richmond Arts Centre’s Rooftop Garden.

Tickets are $30, and you can get more information from the Boca Del Lupo website: bocadellupo.com



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