31 tweets that accurately describe exam time in Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 9:07 pm

While this time of year brings cheer and treats for many, lest we not forget our local students holed up in libraries and coffee shop corners, lacking sleep, sanity and hygiene.

‘Tis exam time at our local colleges and universities, and as always, students have taken to social media to help raise awareness for exam-time stress.

If it’s been a while since you experienced the hardships of memorizing 897 pages of textbook notes and the review of class material for sessions you likely did not attend or if you’re in the middle of your finals season and the only last shred of motivation you have is 140 characters of relatability, we’ve found 33 tweets that accurately describe this period in every student’s life.






























Good luck to all those writing exams this month!


Image via Panda Whale

Featured Image: Exam stress via Shutterstock