21 Stills: The real Gastown

Dec 20 2017, 12:29 am

Donovan Patrick Mahoney, known by a many as @DonovanPee on Twitter and Instagram has a way of capturing the soul of the city. We’ve enlisted him to take a trip around the many neighbourhoods in the city. We begin with where it all started, Gastown.


The frustration with Closed

Gastown 6

I shoot just what I see.

Gastown 8

Reflecting west.

Gastown 9

No one asked the bulldozer how it felt.

Gastown 10

Originally when I’d set out to take these photos I was going to ask people what they considered to be Gastown. Emily was the only one I asked, she told me it was between Yaletown and Downtown. I thanked her for the photos and wished her well in finding her way home.

Gastown 11

I was just trying to find a place with a different perspective to take a photo when Emily and her friends showed up. I didn’t realize until after I’d taken a couple of photos and shown them that they were there to do a photo shoot as well. There’s nothing worse than a photo poacher.

Gastown 12

Sweat shop. Hope not.

Gastown 13

Walking up Water St. I could see two people up in the distance with signs on the back. Honestly, I thought it was going to be those end of the world signs. Instead, I found out these two were a homeless couple and had decided to make signs saying the would clean the streets regardless of spare change but definitely hoped for some…

Gastown 14

After I took this photo they looked up and didn’t say anything. I decided to walk over and show them the photo I just took. I told them that I don’t often tell people when I take their photo because it changes the natural beauty of life as it unfolds.

Gastown 15

Tyler asked me if I’d ever been to The Greedy Pig…then went on to tell me; “it’s the best because it smells like bacon.”

Gastown 16

Est. 1937

Gastown 17

The outskirts of Gastown, better know as the Downtown Eastside

Gastown 18

Uncle Ron

Gastown 19

The new Tacofino patio on Blood Alley. Blood Alley could use a few more larger patios fronting it.

Gastown 20

Blood Alley…it’s changed a little over the years

People of Gastown

Gastown Hotel

People of Gastown 2

I’m next.

People of Gastown 3

Lunch special.

People of Gastown 4

Just another fade.

People of Gastown 5

Places two fingers on the screen and motions outward to enlarge photo…I’m only guessing though.

People of Gastown 7

I took his photo and then he asked for it back. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize he was joking. I felt bad for ruining his joke.