2012 Predictions For Metro Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 1:18 pm

2011 was an amazing year for the residents of Metro Vancouver. The city grew up a little as we saw more outdoor concerts and events year round, with world-class acts.  However, it was also a year full of idiocy, from the rioters to the repealing of the HST, the people of B.C. have shown they lack a few brain cells. Let’s see what the future holds for 2012 for Metro Vancouver. Here are our predictions:

1. Residents in downtown Vancouver will complain about lighting and noise. Defying logic and expecting the sterility of the suburbs in the heart of a growing downtown peninsula.
2. Surrey will adopt a new slogan, ” The Future  Current Gang Violence Lives Here.” Mayor Watt’s will dub this campaign, “embracing reality”.
3. Occupy Vancouver will remain irrelevant.
4. Mayor Robertson will make up numbers to justify the cost of bike lanes. He will then propose a new bike-only bridge over False Creek.
5. Olympic Village will remain a ghost town, for at least one more year, the following year a new bike lane bridge connecting downtown will be built and solve everything.
6. Hipsters will continue to bash big corporations, people that work, all whilst sipping on overpriced coffee and trolling on their MacBooks.
7. Drivers in Richmond will still have trouble parking, making turns and accelerating when the light turns green.
8. Chef Dale MacKay will be opening up a new concept, Ensemble Cafe.
9. Vancouver Canucks will win the Stanley Cup and once again people not from Vancouver will want to riot.
10. On December 21st, the world will not end, however, many will use the doomsday excuse to take an extra day off, just in case.

If you have any predictions yourself, please feel free to add them via comment.

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