2 canoes 1 club: Damaged boats lead to lawsuit against BC paddling group

Dec 1 2023, 12:16 am

A canoe-related dispute went to the BC Civil Resolution Tribunal after the owner found two canoes he owned damaged.

Robert Monterio sued the Jericho Paddling Club (JPC), suggesting the club moved his two canoes without his permission, damaging them.

His claim included monetary compensation of $2,683.97, including $2,000 in income loss for the time he spent dealing with the damage and the rest for replacing and repairing the boats.

JPC doesn’t deny moving the canoes but claims it wasn’t responsible for the damage.

Monterio says that on September 13, 2021, he noticed the two canoes he stored at Jericho Sailing Centre were damaged. He included photographs as evidence. Monterio says he did not permit JPC to move the canoes.

On April 22, 2022, he says his canoes were moved by the BC paddling group again without permission, claiming they were also damaged in this move.

The tribunal decision suggests that the venturi hoods were damaged, and JPC said these pieces of plastic glued to the hull’s exterior are known to fall off and that there’s no proof its moves damaged the canoes.

Unfortunately for Monterio, he couldn’t prove through the repair invoices he provided that JPC caused all the damages. But he didn’t walk away empty-handed.

The tribunal awarded him $167.43 for some repair costs and the replacement venturi.

In total, he walked away with $256.45, which included repairs and tribunal fees.

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