19 ways you can say no to thieves this Christmas

Dec 19 2017, 5:08 pm

I know it’s hard to believe, but Christmas is right around the corner! This means many of us are running around flustered as we try to think of that last gift or just trying to find the perfect gift.

With so much on our minds, we easily forget the small things. And they are little, NOW. But later, they can be really BIG and frustrating.

The first thing to keep in mind is protecting yourself against identity theft. You’re shopping, you have a bunch of bags, you’re too hot in the mall, and you’re realizing you forgot to get something way on the other side of the mall. Slow down, take a breath and remember….

1. Make sure the employee only swipes your credit / debit card once.

2. Never take your eyes off your card.

3. Watch your personal belongings at all times.

4. Don’t leave your purse unattended.

Now, you have too many bags and decide to make a trip to the car to lighten your load. Think….

5. Make sure your parcels are placed in the trunk.

6. Make sure the doors to the car are locked so the trunk release isn’t accessible.

7. It’s getting darker earlier so park somewhere well lit.

You’re done, you made it! The shopping is over, now you wrap everything and put it under the tree, which looks absolutely lovely in the window of your home. Consider…

8. Close the drapes when you aren’t home so would-be thieves can’t snoop and see all the presents under the tree (that they can come back and steal later…)

9. Alternatively, you can put the presents under the tree at the last minute…

You’re staying local this Christmas and it has been wonderful. Everyone loved their gifts. Now, time to clean up. It might be an idea to….

10. Take your boxes for big ticket items like computers, electronics or televisions right to the recycling. Or…

11. Cut the cardboard up into really small pieces for your recycle so you don’t alert thieves to your new possessions.

12. Talk to your neighbours – let them know you will be around and keep an eye on each other’s homes.

You’ve decided to go away, good for you! Let’s protect our home while we’re away…

13. Put a timer on your lights to make it look like you’re home. (Use one on the Christmas tree too!)

14. Have a friend or neighbour check your house regularly

15. Cancel your newspaper

16.Arrange for someone to retrieve your mail daily – it’s not just presents the thieves want to steal – they would love to steal your identity too!

17. Don’t advertise your absence on social media…

18. Ask your neighbours to park in your driveway while you’re away to make it look like you are home.

19. Arrange for your driveway to be shovelled if it happens to snow.

Oh, and most important of all – Have a very Merry Christmas!

Source: RCMP | Featured Image: olly / Shutterstock

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