19 times shopping at Metrotown during the holidays just about kills you

Dec 19 2017, 9:16 pm

With Metropolis at Metrotown being the largest mall in B.C., there is no shortage of holiday shoppers this time of year. In fact, just getting a parking space is an outing all of its own.

Whether you love Christmas shopping or hate it, you likely experience these many frustrations while battling the thousands of other shoppers in between you and that perfect gift.

I mean, would it be so hard to walk a little faster?

1. Trying to find a parking spot


Image: Giphy

2. Those people who have no awareness about what’s around them


Image: iFunny


Image: Giphy

3. Those people who hold hands while walking and take up the whole walk-way

4. When it’s lunch and you’re always disappointed there’s no longer a Rainforest Cafe


Image: Tumblr

5. Then when you finally find the food court, and there’s no seats


Image: Giphy

6. And why is it always so hot in there?


Image: Giphy

7. And why does a single person insist on taking up a table for four?


Image: Giphy

8. When you finish, stuffed full of Manchu Wok, and have no idea where in the mall you are


Image: Tumblr

9. It’s hard to get around when there are eratic children running everywhere


Image: Giphy


Image: Giphy

10. And this thing is always in your way


Image: Tumblr

11. Or you’re constantly dodging these people


Image: Tumblr

12. When you’re just trying to find the Apple store, but it’s taking forever


Image: Giphy

13. You’d love to try out that new iPad before you buy it for Dad, but turns out 90% of parents think Apple store = day care


Image: Giphy

14. You think you’re on your way to Aritzia, but turns out you’re accidently in the line up to see Santa


Image: Giphy

15. When your feet hurt so bad you just can’t even


Image: Giphy

16. And all those bags are cutting off your fingers’ circulation


Image: Giphy

17. You decide to leave, but dude, where’s your car?


Image: Giphy

18. Like seriously. Was it P1 or P2? Near the Grand Court of the Atrium Court?


Image: Giphy

19. Finally. You’re free.

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