12 Types of Cyclists You’ll Find in Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 7:27 pm

Whether you’re on the Seawall, strolling down Commercial Drive, or commuting to work, bikers are everywhere and they are only going to increase in numbers as traffic and transit aren’t seen as reliable options for many Vancouverites.

As Vancouverites, we’ve all had a chance to encounter some of these “unique” cycling spirits. Let us know which one you (or your friends) are.

Scroll through the list below.

12 Types of Cyclists You’ll Find in Vancouver

By Vancity Buzz

Whether you’re on the Seawall, strolling down Commercial Drive, or commuting to work, bikers are EVERYWHERE. As Vancouverites, we’ve all had a chance to encounter some of these unique biking spirits. 

  • The Eco-Friendly Businessman

    By Vancity Buzz

    According to Vancouver’s business scene, biking is the new golfing. There is a massive amount of men and women in suits or business attire biking around the city. Remember to roll your pant leg!

  • The Pack

    By Vancity Buzz

    Much like motorcycles, bikes are much more threatening in groups. From teens who don’t yet have their licences, to fitness groups, these ferocious gangs are not to be crossed.

  • The Tourist

    By Vancity Buzz

    These guys will be easy to spot going the wrong direction on the Seawall. 

  • The Show-off

    By Vancity Buzz

    This person is often found riding without holding the handlebars or wearing a helmet. They’re almost trying too hard to be nonchalant about it, all while really wanting you to notice, of course. 

  • The BMX’r

    By Vancity Buzz

    We’re not sure if they’re trying to look cool or trying to bike comfortably, but we do know that we don’t want to be responsible for their chiropractor bill in 10 years.

  • The Tough Biker

    By Vancity Buzz

    Similar to the Show-Off, these bikers don’t mess with helmets, or shoes or even bike lanes for that matter. You can find these hooligans anywhere, cutting across a busy street without warning.

  • The "I always have the right of way" Biker

    By Vancity Buzz

    This type of biker is usually yelling at cars or pedestrians for getting in their way, regardless of who made the mistake. And there’s no such thing as a red light to them.

  • The Spinners

    By Vancity Buzz

    Although these bikers aren’t on the street, you can find them in any gym in Vancouver pedalling like their life depends on it. Maybe they’re prepping to be one of the other bike types.

  • The Mountain Biker

    By Vancity Buzz

    If there’s a hill or trail in their proximity, they’ll be on it. They’re in the mindset of creating their own path & they’re never lost. If they had their choice they’d be biking up the Grouse Grind.

  • The Triathlete

    By Vancity Buzz

    Wearing the most aerodynamic gear, these hardcore bikers favourite term is "On your left," but you didn’t have time to move because they’ve already passed you.

  • Hipsters

    By Vancity Buzz

    So you’re strolling down Main Street and you start to see people using 30-year-old bikes that are too big. More often than not the gears don’t work. Biking efficiently is too mainstream anyways.

  • The Model

    By Vancity Buzz

    We’re not quite sure how these fancy people are able to ride their bicycle in heels or keep their hair perfectly in place, but we salute them (quite jealously). 

If you think we’ve missed a particular type of cyclist, let us know in the comments section.

Feature Image by Crysco Photography