11 Things You Should Buy at Daiso

Dec 19 2017, 7:29 pm

Did you know that the sole Canadian location of Japan’s flagship 100-yen shop is just a SkyTrain ride away? Daiso is two stories of brightly coloured brilliance, and if you haven’t been, your life is about to change. Rush to Richmond (or Downtown for the mini-Daiso, Yokoyaya) and stock up on these 11 things and more. Fact: most of the products at Daiso cost a mere toonie!

1. More Cupboard Space


These little shelf risers come in a bunch of colours and sizes, doubling or tripling your kitchen or bathroom cupboard real estate.

2. Umbrellas


At $2 each, buy a few of these for winter. That way it’s not a tragedy if you leave one in a cab or at your Tinder date’s place. Plus there are lots of cool transparent styles.

3. Closet Organizers


Pretty plastic hangers and other neat inventions abound here to help keep your wardrobe tidy.

4. Bins, Boxes, Containers, and More Bins


Colour code your entire life on the cheap. You have permission to go totally nuts in the bin department.

5. Cleaning Supplies


Scrubbing the toilet is way more fun with pretty pastel gloves and technicolour sponges.

6. Baking Accessories


Take your kitchen experimentation to a new level and stock up on uniquely-shaped muffin liners, parchment papers, and other culinary tools.

7. Party Supplies / Lunch Hacks


Everything you need for your next rager is here for an absolute bargain. You can also make work lunches a breeze by stashing tiny cups and spoons in your desk. Also check out the innovative food containers for everything from dip to sushi to leftovers.

8. Tambourines for the Pride Parade


Shake everything you’ve got, including your instrument.

9. Flags of the World


An extremely comprehensive selection of global flags is here for your every patriotic need, whether it’s World Cup or Bastille Day or a Kuwait-themed BBQ.

10. Fake Flowers


If you lack basic horticulture skills, beautify your place with Daiso’s vast selection of synthetic plants.

11. School Supplies


Cool teens take note. Return to class in style with neon binders and pencil cases that say “I’m an individual.”

What do you like to buy at Daiso for an absolute bargain?

Daiso, Aberdeen Centre
#1080 – 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond

Daiso has a little sister store Downtown!
Yokoyaya, International Village
88 W Pender St, Vancouver

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