10 things to do before a date to look and feel your best

Dec 19 2017, 10:46 pm

It’s Spring, the season of new beginnings, and hopefully that means some new exciting dates are lined up if you’re single. No matter how long you’ve been in the dating game, a big date can definitely be nerve-wracking. Getting ready for a date is a huge ordeal, so if you’re going to do it, you may as well do it right and blow him away.

A list of tips and tricks that will have you looking and feeling your best before a date is important to keep in your back pocket. Here are 10 things you need to start doing before a hot date:

1. Get glowing skin

What’s the secret to glowing skin that will make a remarkable difference before a big date? A microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasions brighten dull skin by professionally exfoliating dead skin cells to reveal the brighter, smoother skin beneath. It’s the perfect quick treatment to have done before a date to leave you looking radiant and glowing. The Skin Girls in Vancouver offer mobile services and will come to you, if you don’t feel like leaving your house. Needless to say, your radiant glow from the treatment will ensure you’re looking extra beautiful, and give you that extra edge on your date.

2. Play feel-good music

Listen to feel-good music while you’re getting ready for a date. One of the ways you can make a good impression is to exude a positive energy, which isn’t always easy, but listening to uplifting music before a date helps with pre-date jitters and puts you in the right mindset and mood for a date. Songza has some great uplifting mixes – all you have to do is download the app and search for “uplifting” mixes.

3. Attend a Power Workout class

Speaking of mood-enhancing activities, a pre-date routine should always include a power workout. This will boost your confidence, and workouts release feel-good endorphins which is important before a date. Many local gyms (like Club 16 Trevor Linden Fitness) offer drop-in workout classes at affordable prices. A power workout class will leave you feeling toned and happy before your date.

4. Drink vitality

There’s nothing worse than being in a bad mood, having a bad day or feeling tired the day of a big date. The secret weapon is drinking a cold-pressed organic green juice before your date, like the ones by Vancouver’s Nectar Juicery. The pounds of organic vegetables and fruits that go into one bottle act as a multi-vitamin and give you increased energy and vitality. Vitamins are like fuel for your brain – “the gas in the car” – and will help you get back to your witty and energetic self so that you’re feeling on and focused for your date instead of feeling off and fatigued.

5. Make your eyes pop

A trick to making your eyes pop is to highlight the brow bone or darken the eyebrows. A shimmery white eye shadow is a great investment since it can be used to highlight your brow bone, but it also can be used around the corner of your eyes to make your eyes pop even more. If you want to go all out, get eyelash extensions and eyebrow tinting from Juice Salon in Yaletown to stand out with long lashes and defined brows.

6. De-bloat and de-stress

If you feel bloated before a date, you won’t feel sexy and that could translate into a loss of confidence. Take an Epsom Salt bath which will reduce bloating as it draws out the excess fluids from your body. You’ll be killing two birds with one stone, since a warm bath is relaxing and will therefore eliminate some of that first-date anxiety. This is a good thing to do to de-stress and bring your heart rate down right after your workout.

7. Smell amazing

It’s a given that you’ll want to smell amazing on a date. Your scent has the ability to draw him in, and scent can effect a variety of things including the way he remembers you. Every perfume smells different on each individual person. Go to Sephora and ask to try some of their popular perfumes. Men are often attracted to scents such as vanilla, lavender or even fresh scents that smell similar to clean linen. The staff at Sephora are not only great about helping you find scents like these, but they also will give you perfume samples so that you don’t have to buy it just yet! Don’t put too much perfume on, just a tiny dab behind your ears, above your top lip, on your neck and on your wrists.

8. Use a highlighter under your eyes and on your bottom lip

Brighten your skin and create that romantic, dewy look by applying a shimmery highlighter stick under your eyes, on your cheekbones. Sephora has a great highlighting stick by Benefit called “Watt’s Up!” For a lip trick, choose a lipstick shade that pops and after applying it, dab a touch of the shimmery highlighter onto the middle of your bottom lip. This creates the illusion of fuller lips.

9. Whiten those teeth

This is something you should do right before you leave for your date. Since Crest White Strips take 30 minutes to whiten your teeth, make sure you slap those on your teeth 30 minutes ahead of time. Anything that gives you an excuse to smile a lot during your date is a great thing.

10. Get a good night’s sleep the night before a date

Getting a good night’s sleep the night before makes a world of difference on how you present yourself on a date. You don’t want to cancel the date because you are tired, so you’ll need to have had a proper night’s sleep the night before. The rested you will be vibrant and positive – and excited for a date night!

Have any other tips on how to look and feel your best before a date?

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