Ford reminds Toronto to practice distancing as temperatures soar to 21°C

May 1 2020, 6:22 pm

It is expected to feel like 21°C in Toronto this weekend, marking one of the warmest spring days we’ve seen as of yet.

While there is a chance of showers on Saturday, it is still warm, with a high reaching 16°C, according to Environment Canada.

The sun is expected to shine on Sunday, bringing with it the above 20°C weather.

And Premier Doug Ford is reminding Toronto to practice social distancing.

“Even when we open the economy a little bit, we have to practice social distancing,” said Ford on Friday.

“Why go backwards every time we have warm weather?”

While some businesses are allowed to open as of Monday, Ontario is not close to fully reopening its economy as of yet.

“We’re not even close,” Ford said, adding that COVID-19 is “still on the doorstep.”

The premier also said we need at least two weeks of downward trend in new cases before more of the economy can reopen.

“Despite the uncertainty, we have many reasons to be optimistic right now,” said Ford on Thursday.

“We have taken a measured approach, and 14.5 million of us have taken it seriously, because of that we have made tremendous progress… We are on the path to reopening the economy because that curve is flattening.”

Environment Canada

As he concluded his press conference on Friday, Ford said, “have a very safe weekend, and god bless everyone in Ontario, you’re absolute champions.”

Stay champions, Ontario, especially as it gets warmer outside.

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