Poll: Majority of Toronto residents support testing and licensing cyclists

Jul 18 2017, 11:05 pm

The majority of Toronto voters are in support of more bike lanes in the city, according to a Campaign Research Poll. 

The online public opinion survey sampled 506 Toronto voters and close to 57% approved of more bike lanes being constructed in the city and 28% disapproved and 14% said they had no opinion on the matter.

The poll also found that 79 % of younger voters (between 18 and 24) were most likely to support more bike lanes where as voters over the age of 65 (34%) disapproved of the decision.

Torontonians agree government should test cyclists

While Torontonians may be torn about bike lanes, the majority (60%) agree that the government should test cyclists for competency, and should require a license and insurance similar to motorists.

“It appears that while Torontonians are enthusiastic about the city developing its network of bike lanes, they also strongly think cyclists should be subject to testing, licensing and insurance much like motorists,” said Eli Yufest, CEO of Campaign Research, in a statement. 

A recent video of a cyclist running a red light in Lyon Street and Laurier Avenue West in Ottawa shows the dangers of reckless cycling and has added to the conversation about licensing for those who use their bicycles.

The poll also found that very few (3%) of survey participants use their bikes for transportation to get around the city.

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