"Consider sexting": Toronto Public Health has advice to reduce coronavirus spread

Jul 23 2020, 2:24 pm

This week, “glory holes” was trending in Canada because the BC Centre for Disease Control listed it among the tips for safer sex during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Choose sexual positions that limit face-to-face contact. Use barriers, like walls (e.g., glory holes) that allow for sexual contact but prevent close face-to-face contact,” said the BC health officials.

Most public health agencies have released safe sex guidelines for the pandemic.

And “glory holes” aren’t only recommended in BC.

In New York, health officials suggest to make sex “a little kinky.”

“Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face to face contact,” they said.

As well, “masturbate together. Use physical distance and face coverings to reduce the risk.”

Sexting is also recommended by the NYC Health Department, and is a sentiment shared by Toronto Public Health.

“Consensual sex can be a way of dealing with anxiety or fulfilling and expressing our needs for intimacy. It can also be pleasurable and help pass the time when isolated indoors. But is it safe to have sex during COVID-19?” reads the public health website.

The local health unit has listed its suggestions and recommendations to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and “still enjoy sex.”

“Your safest sex partner during the COVID-19 pandemic is yourself,” said TPH.

But should you want to involve partners, “consensual sexting, virtual sex, video dating, or chat rooms” is what public health recommends.

“If you usually meet sex partners online, are polyamorous with people who are not living in the same house, or make a living having sex, consider video dates, sexting or chat rooms instead of meeting people in person.”

As for protection when having sex, always wash your hands before and after, whether you are alone or with a partner.

Toronto Public Health recommends using condoms, and cleaning sex toys and covering them with a condom.

“Do not share sex toys with others,” they add.

If you’re feeling unwell, avoid kidding and having sex with a partner.

And you can wear a mask during sex.

While it’s not one of Toronto Public Health’s recommendations, the NYC health officials said “Wear a face covering or mask. Maybe it’s your thing, maybe it’s not, but during COVID-19 wearing a face covering that covers your nose and mouth is a good way to add a layer of 3 protection during sex.”

So there you have it.

All the info about safer sex during COVID-19 can be found at Toronto Public Health‘s website.

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