It's going to be ridiculously hot in Toronto this week

Jul 18 2016, 8:26 pm

If you thought that the cool (but still nice) weekend was a sign of things to come, you were very, very wrong.

It seems that the heat and humidity were just taking a slight break before they could come back in full force this week, making you sweat in places you previously didn’t think it was possible to sweat.

In case you hadn’t already noticed, it’s 10 am and already ‘feels like’ 35 degrees C. Let’s just check our old Humidex board courtesy of Environment Canada for a quick refresher:

Toronto Weather

Right, so lots to look forward to.

According to The Weather Network, this is just the beginning. It’s going to be hot all week long (with a slight reprieve tomorrow) building up to an uncomfortable weekend spent in the 40s.

Toronto Weather July

The upside? We bet you’re going to have one hell of a glow whenever you’re outside.


Eric WainwrightEric Wainwright

+ Weather