There's a free public archery range hidden in this Toronto park

Aug 14 2018, 10:42 pm

You can unleash your inner Katniss Everdeen at a hidden archery range that’s tucked away in Toronto’s ET Seton Park.

Nestled behind the Ontario Science Centre is the Seton Park Archery Range, one of Canada’s only outdoor public archery ranges.

Open 24/7, 365 days per year, there is no charge to use the range. All that’s asked is people follow the safety rules laid out on a sign at the field’s entrance.

According to the City of Toronto, you’ll find everyone from beginners to Olympic athletes training at the range, in addition to people enjoying the park’s river and bike trails.

According to Archery Toronto, the land for the range was donated to the City of Toronto after children’s author Ernest Thompson Seton passed away in 1946.

In his will, Seton donated to the land for the park and said the city must maintain it as an archery range or the land would revert to his estate and would go to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The range officially opened in 1968, 22 years after Seton’s death, and 2018 will mark the range’s 50th year of being open to the public.

E.T. Seton Archery Range/Google Maps

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Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

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