There are even more subway closures planned for 2020

Dec 5 2019, 6:38 pm

If you thought there were a lot of subway closures to deal with in 2019, there may be even more planned for 2020 — that’s if the recommendations in a new report are approved by the TTC’s board next week.

According to the report, which will be presented on Thursday, December 12, the TTC will continue to use the scheduled closures to focus on the automated train control (ATC) signal system, the Eglinton-Crosstown LRT, and various state-of-good-repair work.

“These make up the majority of the full weekend closures as the complexity of these projects does not allow for work to be conducted during the regular nightly maintenance window,” reads the staff report.

The transit agency says based on ridership data, there are fewer customers travelling on weekends than weekdays and therefore full weekend subway closures minimize disruption to a greater number of customers.

According to the report, TTC staff recommend implementing 34 full weekend closures, 18 single day closures, eight, late-Sunday openings, and 106 early weeknight closures.

The TTC says early weeknight closures will only be used from January to June and from September to November to limit disruptions during the summer months.

Planned subway closures 2020

The planned subway closures for 2020 are a slight increase from 2019, which saw 31 full weekend closures, six single-day closures, eight late openings, and 28 early closures.  However, the transit agency says a number of closures were cancelled or postponed to 2020.

TTC staff noted that some of the major accomplishments in 2019 included work on the Line 1 ATC project, replacing switching, crossover,  and rail equipment on Line 2, upgrading power rail and track maintenance on Line 3, and complex maintenance on track switches on Line 4.

Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

Ainsley is a former Daily Hive Toronto staff writer. She's passionate about telling stories about the people, places, and events that make Canada's largest city one of the greatest on earth.

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