Ottawa Public Health makes fun of the Leafs again

Oct 26 2020, 7:32 pm

It’s snowing in Ottawa and the pandemic is still around.

Not only that, but their NHL team still sucks.

As if 2020 couldn’t get any worse… am I right?

But that’s not getting Ottawa Public Health down, as once again, it used this as an opportunity to take a shot at the Toronto Maple Leafs.

“So, snow. In October. Between that & the pandemic, we know it’s been hard lately,” Ottawa Public Health said in a Monday morning tweet. “But if Leafs fans can still be optimistic when going into Game 7 of a playoff series against Boston, surely the rest of us can find ways to keep the faith & stay the course.”

But one sharp Leafs fan was quick to remind Ottawa Public Health of some other Game 7 history…

Let’s hope our efforts to be “COVID-wise” are more successful than the Maple Leafs’ experiences in Game 7.Ā The Leafs, of course, have lost Game 7 to the Boston Bruins three times in the past seven years — in 2013, 2018, and 2019.

This isn’t the first time Ottawa Public Health has poked fun at the Leafs.

Back in June, they did so to encourage people to wear masks.

Hey, whatever works.

Rob WilliamsRob Williams

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