Ontario reports 460 new coronavirus cases Sunday

May 24 2020, 4:41 pm

Ontario recorded 460 new COVID-19 cases Sunday, the highest number of new cases in the last four days.

The province has been reporting more than 400 new cases per day since Thursday, as officials talk about how to reopen responsibly and people looking to get outside flocked to Trinity Bellwoods.

The new cases Sunday brings Ontario’s total case count to 25,500.

In the last day, 25 more people died from their coronavirus infections, bringing Ontario’s death toll to 2,073.

According to the province’s data, there were 11,383 coronavirus tests completed in the last 24 hours, a slight increase from the day before.

So far, 19,477 people in Ontario have recovered from their illness or about 76% of patients.

According to the Public Health Ontario Daily Epidemiologic Summary (iPHIS), there are 207 outbreaks in long-term care homes, down from Friday’s 212.

Around 19% of cases in all of Ontario come from residents of these facilities, while 6.5% are reported from healthcare workers in these spaces.

However, the Ministry of Long-Term Care Daily Report says there are 161 outbreaks reported in long-term care homes with 1,525 resident deaths.

Ontario long-term care coronavirus cases

Government of Ontario

According to Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario relies on local public health units to report on the coronavirus, both in the community and in long-term care homes, through iPHIS, in which there is a delay in the data being received.

At the same time, the Ministry of Long-Term Care has started collecting information about coronavirus in long-term care homes through its network of inspectors.

The Greater Toronto Area public health units account for more than half of the cases at 64.6%.

Of the total cases, 42.8% of patients are male, and 56.3% of patients are female, with 41.1% of cases age 60 years and older.

Right now, there are 878 coronavirus patients in hospital, a decrease from Saturday. Of those, 148 are in the ICU.

Coronavirus testing data May 24

Government of Ontario

Coronavirus data May 24

Government of Ontario






The daily summary is based on data reported by the 34 public health units across Ontario and recorded in the province’s integrated Public Health Information System, according to the Ontario government.

iPHIS is the Ministry of Health’s disease reporting system where data is regularly updated, and where each daily summary is pulled at 4 pm the previous day.

Today’s increase in cases comes after the province entered Stage 1 of its framework to reopen the economy on Tuesday, allowing certain businesses and recreational activities to reopen.

However, even though reopening the economy has begun, Premier Doug Ford’s government extended its emergency orders to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

The emergency orders are currently in force until May 29.

According to the province, that includes the closure of bars and restaurants except for takeout and delivery only, restrictions on social gatherings of more than five people, and staff redeployment rules for long-term care homes and congregate settings like retirement homes and women’s shelters.

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Daily Hive Toronto launched on June 1, 2016.

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