Breaking: All new Toronto police squad cars will look like this

Sep 8 2016, 4:00 am

Forget looking for the boys in blue, or police cars that are predominately white.

Toronto Police are getting an overhaul on their current cruisers, and the new ones look more like they belong in a wild Michael Bay chase scene than they do cruising down Yonge Street.

There’s no doubt that these versions look a whole lot sleeker than their bright white counterparts, but some may suggest they’re a whole lot scarier too. After all, “To Serve & Protect” suddenly became much more difficult to read.

What do you think of our cop’s new cars – do they make you feel more protected or less comfortable with our police force? Are they too covert for you? Or just perhaps a little too much tank and not enough car…

Let us know in the poll below:

Eric WainwrightEric Wainwright

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