Toronto's giant Christmas Tree has been lit for the season (VIDEO)

Nov 28 2020, 11:19 pm

The holidays are officially here, Toronto.

The 60-foot Christmas Tree in Nathan Phillips square has been lit up for the season and will illuminate City Hall into early 2021.

To avoidĀ large crowds amid COVID-19, the 54th annual tree lighting was filmed in advance and has been posted on the City of Toronto’s YouTube page.

In previous years, Mayor John Tory has lit the tree during the Cavalcade of Lights, but this year’s event was cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic.

While the 2020 tree lighting was unusual, Tory said the change won’t take away from the “special moments that make our city so remarkable during the holiday season.”

“We won’t let COVID-19 stop us from celebrating the holidays, even if we have to do things differently this year,” the mayor said.

The city asks that people only visit Nathan Philips Square with members of their household. They advise everyone to wear a mask or face covering and to practice physical distancing while admiring the tree.

Zoe DemarcoZoe Demarco

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+ Christmas