Lecce announces new math curriculum for Ontario's Grade 9 students

Jun 9 2021, 4:28 pm

Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce unveiled a new Grade 9 math curriculum as part of the province’s four-year mathematics strategy.

According to the province, the new strategy is intended to “equip students with valuable learning opportunities that will support their success in the workforce. The course includes mandatory new learning on coding, data literacy, mathematical modelling and an emphasis on financial literacy.”

Additionally, the province said this new course ends “the practice of streaming Grade 9 students into applied and academic courses, a practice that has in the past disadvantaged some students.”

The new curriculum emphasizes real-world applications and introduces new skills that apply to coding and understanding complex mathematics and making predictions.

“We are better preparing students with the life and job skills they require – with a focus on financial literacy, coding, and data literacy – to ensure Ontario students succeed,” said Lecce. “With an emphasis on real-world applications for mathematics, this course will teach students valuable fundamentals that will give them a competitive advantage when they graduate. With new math-focused learning supports and a new curriculum, our government is taking the first step toward ending early streaming in Ontario while promoting equal opportunities for all students.”

The new math course, which replaces the Grade 9 academic, applied and transfer courses, will be taught in Ontario’s publicly funded schools beginning in September 2021. It is part of a $200 million math strategy.

According to the province, the new course is also part of a “bold plan to end streaming for Grade 9 students to address policies and practices to address the achievement gap and creation of barriers for students from historically marginalized groups, such as Black students, Indigenous students, students from low-income families and students with disabilities or special education needs.”

This curriculum will have all high school students taking the same math course, leading to the same “eventual opportunities for all.”