Here's how much the leaves have changed in parks across Ontario so far (MAP)

Sep 29 2021, 4:47 pm

There’s a map that will tell you exactly how much the leaves have changed in each of Ontario’s provincial parks so you can see the leaves at peak autumn colours.

We’re barely a week into the fall season, and already some parks are seeing their leaves begin to change and fall. Most parks in the immediate vicinity of Toronto are still predominately green, but if you’re willing to get in the car and drive to get your fill of fall, this map will tell you where to go.

Here are the parks where the Fall Colour Report says autumnal hues are beginning to show:

  • Algonquin Park: Red/Orange
  • Balsam Lake: Red
  • Bonnechere: Yellow/Orange
  • Kakabeka Falls: Yellow
  • Lake St. Peter: Yellow
  • Lake Superior: Orange
  • Mark S. Burnham: Yellow
  • Mikisew: Red/Orange
  • Oxtongue River-Ragged Falls: Red/Orange
  • Restoule: Red/Orange
  • Rushing River: Yellow
  • Sleeping Giant: Yellow
  • Voyageur: Yellow

The Fall Colour Report will be updated regularly with the leaves beginning to change in many of the parks across the province.

fall colours

Ontario Parks

They even have a handy legend so you know when each park will be at it’s best and most Instagrammable.

fall colours

Ontario Parks

Most parks are not yet near their peak offerings, but parks like Algonquin tend to get overwhelmed and stop handing out permits early in the day on weekends during peak colour season, so keep an eye on the map and plan ahead to make the most of Ontario’s natural beauty.

Brooke TaylorBrooke Taylor

+ Curated