Tenant wins legal fight claiming landlord went into her bedroom

Nov 7 2023, 9:08 pm

A bizarre tenancy dispute pitted a tenant against a landlord, and some of the claims included the landlord demanding the tenant stay outside during the day.

Jeannette Oh filed a dispute at the BC Civil Resolution Tribunal against Dorothea Letkeman, claiming a refund for 13 days of rent totalling $375.52 and the return of the security deposit valued at $447.50.

Oh also claims that her privacy was violated and she was harassed and threatened. She asked for an additional $100 in punitive damages for these claims.

According to the tribunal’s decision, Letkeman asked the tribunal to dismiss the claim.

The rental agreement began in December 2022, and the terms included one month’s rent of $895 and the aforementioned security deposit.

The issues began in January 2023.

On January 13, when Oh wasn’t home, Letkeman told her that she would put a delivered package in Oh’s room. Oh responded with a thank you but also asked Letkeman never to go in her room again.

However, Oh claims that on January 14 and 15, Letkeman returned to her room without permission. Letkeman admitted she did so, but only to check the thermostat and didn’t physically enter the room.

Oh didn’t stay in the apartment on January 15, but on January 18, she stayed in other accommodations after a verbal confrontation. Oh’s mother took care of most of the communication on her behalf.

On January 20, Letkeman emailed Oh and her mother to advise them to pick up Oh’s belongings on January 21 and drop off the keys. Emails show that Letkeman said she’d send back the deposit and some of January’s rent.

Letkeman transferred $317.50; however, when Oh’s mom asked for the security answer to the e-transfers security question, Letkeman never provided it. Oh’s mother also informed Letkeman that she did not give the total amount of the claim.

The tribunal ruled in Oh’s favour and ordered Letkeman to pay $795.37 in damages and tribunal fees.