A foreign filmmaker spent 4 days in Toronto, this is how he saw the city (VIDEO)

Feb 22 2017, 2:14 am

Yesterday, Jan Jessen uploaded a video to r/Toronto that said:

Hi r/toronto! I am a filmmaker and had the opportunity to stay 4 days in your beautiful city. Hope I have portrayed it well 🙂

The following two and a half minutes offer beautiful and interesting insight into what Toronto looks like through the eyes of a foreigner. Jessen, from Hamburg, Germany, appears to have been in town during the warmer months of the year, capturing a sun-soaked Toronto skyline.

As you might expect, the video gives the CN Tower a lot of love, as well as our parks and busy city streets. Jessen, after all, is a tourist.

Most distracting for many Reddit commenters however, is that Jessen dedicates the final 30 seconds of the 2:25 minute video to Niagara Falls. For anyone living in Toronto, this is simply unacceptable – Horseshoe Falls is most certainly not a part of this city.

And while yes, Niagara Falls is in, well, Niagara Falls, as Jessen points out in the comment section, for someone who has travelled 7000 km to see Toronto, another tourist destination little more than 100 km away certainly seems worth including.

While many of us get caught up in Toronto’s local geography, Jessen was able to focus on the bigger picture.

And we’re glad he did.

See also