Ontario is a pretty great place to live.
In fact, it’s one of the ten best countries in the world to live. Yes, we said countries.
The United Nations annual Human Development Index for 2015 (based on data from 2014) looks at 188 countries in the world. The UN’s HDI essentially collects all available data on a country’s average life expectancy, education, and gross national income, mashes them together (that’s the technical term, obviously) and grants each member country a world ranking.
Canada tied with New Zealand for a 9th place finish with an overall score of 0.913:
Now here’s where it gets interesting.
The Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS), a Canadian company that’s been around for more than 20 years with the goal “to undertake research in the area of living standards,” released a report today by economist James Uguccioni, which, according to the CSLS, “provides internationally comparable estimates of the Human Development Index (HDI) for the Canadian provinces and territories from 2000 to 2014.”
And, based on information from Statistics Canada, Ontario had a higher overall score than Canada.
Yes, it’s very slight. But that 0.915 would be good enough to put the lives of everyone living in Ontario in 2014 on par with those in the US as the 8th best country in the world to be calling home.
Not bad, Ontario. Not bad at all.
Just don’t tell Alberta they’d be fourth and everything should be fine.