Rain pushes High Park cherry blossoms peak bloom date to this weekend

May 8 2019, 12:18 am

While the first open cherry blossoms in High Park have already been spotted, the rest of the buds won’t reach peak bloom until at least this weekend.

According to Sakura in High Park’s latest update, the rain this week will create excessive moisture, ultimately slowing down the bud’s progress to reach peak bloom.

Luckily, the sun is expected to return on Friday and stick around through the Mother’s Day weekend, which is why Sakura in High Park believes the peak bloom will now occur between May 10 and 15.

See also

As of Tuesday, less than 1% of the park’s buds have bloomed, so there’s still “a ways to go before we see more abundant blossom-filled trees.”

“While walking through the park, you will notice most of the trees are filled with bright pink and near white bulbous florets eager to open. They just need a couple more good days of sun to help them open up,” reads the update.

If you’re planning on visiting the park this weekend, just remember High Park is closed to all non-essential vehicles 24 hours a day during the peak bloom.

Motorists can expect delays in the area and should consider alternate methods of transportation when visiting High Park.

Alternatively, there are multiple locations throughout the city where you can also check out cherry blossoms in peak bloom.

Ainsley SmithAinsley Smith

+ Great Outdoors