GO Transit employee dies from COVID-19 complications

Jan 23 2021, 1:56 am

A 64-year-old GO Transit employee has died of COVID-19, the first virus-related death for a Metrolinx staff member.

Metrolinx spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins said the man spent the last 11 years serving customers at one of Toronto’s GO stations.

“It’s heartbreaking news for our staff to hear as they have been coming to work every day throughout the pandemic ensuring transit customers who must travel for essential reasons can get there safely,” Aikins said in a statement.

The man passed away Friday after a two-week stay in hospital. His family shared with Metrolinx that he died of complications from COVID-19.

“We have extended our deepest condolences to his wife and family and offered his colleagues our full support through this sad and challenging time,” Aikins said.

COVID-19 cases have surged in Ontario over the last several weeks, prompting the province to declare a state of emergency and issue a stay-at-home order.


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