Gen Xers are nerding out after becoming eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine

Apr 22 2021, 4:30 pm

As many Canadian provinces lower the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine’s eligibility age to include people in their 40s (including people born in 1981 who are turning 40 this year), members of Generation X are making light of the experience with familiar cultural references.

The 41 to 56-year-olds are taking to Twitter to share their frustrations with booking processes (often via pharmacies, not centralized like the Pfizer/Moderna stream) and their joy when they finally secure a shot.

A new hashtag has emerged to chronicle the moment: GenXZeneca.

Toronto City Councillor Josh Matlow incorporated seven references to ’80s and ’90s shows and one song in his tweets encouraging GenXers to get vaccinated.

“Whether you believe Family Matters, you’re Married with Children or you care about Perfect Strangers, register to get your AstraZeneca shot! Yes, every pharmacy is a Full House now. But if you care about Family Ties, take the Quantum Leap & be part of the “A” Team!” he tweeted.

Pat Benatar’s 1980 song Hit Me With Your Best Shot seems like an appropriate tweet or Instagram caption for many GenXers.

For some people who are wondering how to get to the pharmacy, the DeLorean time machine is a good bet, according to meteorologist Barry Lough.

For others, it’s about remembering questionable toys they grew up with to encourage others that getting the vaccine is safe.

Besides birth year, GenXers can also refer to key fashion and musical milestones to confirm they’re eligible for the vaccine.

What does getting the shot feel like? Ontario teacher Margot Burnell compared it to finally getting her hands on a coveted Cabbage Patch doll.

Turns out all of Gen X’s experiences snagging concert tickets also came in handy for booking an appointment.

Keep it up, Gen X. Maybe one day we’ll all be able to buy concert tickets again.


Megan DevlinMegan Devlin

Megan joined Daily Hive in 2019. She's a multimedia journalist based in Vancouver, and has previously worked with the Globe and Mail, CTV and CBC. Story tip? Get in touch at [email protected].

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