8 ways to help your furry friend beat the summer heat in Toronto

Jul 19 2023, 4:19 pm

If you’re a pet owner, you’re probably looking forward to spending some time in the sunshine with your furry friend this summer. But with temperatures soaring, it’s important to prioritize their health and make sure they’re keeping cool.

The good news is keeping your dog safe in the heat isn’t difficult, it just takes some preparation while following a few simple tips.

We’ve teamed up with the experts at Dogtopia, an award-winning North American doggy daycare network, to share some advice on how to give your pet the best (and safest) summer ever.

Have plenty of water

In the summer months, hydration is key. Dogs tend to lose moisture faster than humans so it’s important that fresh water is always available to them. You can make the water stay colder for longer by using deep bowls and adding ice cubes. And for that extra bit of refreshment, surprise them with an icy, cool, and sweet dog-friendly treat.

Provide shade

When your pup is playing outdoors, make sure there are shaded areas where they can escape the sun’s rays. Many traditional doghouses can magnify the heat by trapping it inside, so try to opt for natural shade sources. Trees, tarps, and umbrellas are great options as they don’t obstruct airflow.

Know the signs of heatstroke

Educating yourself on the signs of heatstroke means you can recognize it if it happens to your beloved canine companion and treat it immediately. Signs of being overheated include excessive panting, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, glazed eyes, excessive thirst, weakness, and a lack of coordination. Additional symptoms include seizures, vomiting, and fever.

Be smart about exercise

Every dog needs physical activity. If you’re bringing them for a walk on a hot day, a good rule of thumb is to do it first thing in the morning or late at night, when temperatures are relatively cooler. It’s also a good idea to adjust the intensity and duration of the walk depending on the temperature and humidity levels. Remember, always have water on hand to reduce the risk of dehydration.

Watch their paws

This one’s pretty simple: if the ground feels too hot for your bare feet, then it’s too hot for your dog’s paws! Asphalt, concrete, and sand can really heat up in the sun — even getting hotter than the air temperature. If you can’t comfortably keep your feet on the ground for seven seconds, then your pup shouldn’t be walking on it. Dog boots or shoes can be a great way to provide paw protection.

Never, ever leave your dog in a parked car

This should be a no-brainer, but unfortunately, incidents of leaving pets in parked cars still occur far too often. Within a matter of minutes, a parked car — even with the windows cracked or rolled down — can get hot and stuffy, creating a dangerous environment for your dog. If you find yourself heading somewhere that prohibits your pup’s entry, then it’s best to just leave them at home in a controlled environment.

Maintain their coat

Your dog’s hair is important in the summer months, as it protects them from overheating and sunburns. If they’ve got a thick undercoat, keep it trimmed, but never shave it. The goal is to let air flow through their hair to keep them cool.

Let them play indoors

If you’re planning a day full of outdoor activities for your family, but are concerned about subjecting your dog to the scorching heat, allowing them to play indoors at a doggy daycare is a great idea.

At Dogtopia, your pup can relish up to 10 hours of open play in clean, safe, and climate-controlled playrooms.

They’ll spend the day playing, socializing, and burning off energy with other pups, all under the watchful eye of Dogtopia’s certified canine coaches. And, you’ll even be able to remotely check in on them via a live webcam accessible on your phone, tablet or laptop, granting you a firsthand view of their fun-filled day.

For more information about Dogtopia, or to make an appointment for your pet today, click here.

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