28 Crosslinx employees working on Eglinton LRT test positive for COVID-19

Jan 7 2021, 4:10 pm

Twenty-eight Crosslinx employees working on the Eglinton Crosstown LRT site have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last two weeks.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Crosslinx told Daily Hive that the employees worked at eight different sites and noted since the start of the pandemic, 65 employees have contracted the virus at 24 construction sites.

“At any given time, there are approximately 1,500 people working on our sites. The individual workers can change depending on work activities, which means significantly more than 1,500 people have worked at our sites since March,” the statement said.

There are currently around 70 Crosslinx employees and subcontracted workers who are self-isolating because of potential exposure.

“In terms of the current 28 cases, we believe 17 were community acquired, 10 at work, and one is to be determined,” they said.

It was added that to enhance safety protocols, Crosslinx issued formal written notices this week to workers who aren’t physically distancing or adhering to other COVID requirements.

Between March and December, the Ministry of Labour (MOL) visited Crosslinx construction sites 27 times to evaluate compliance with the rules.

From March to April 9, MOL had 14 visits and issued 21 orders. Eighteen were for more hot water at wash stations, two for cleaning wash facilities, and one was a document request for a subcontractor.

Also, from April 9 to December 24, the MOL had 13 visits. On December 24, MOL issued two orders. One related to wearing masks when not physically distanced and the other for physical distancing on breaks.

“Crosslinx immediately complied with all orders. No stop-work orders were issued.”

Metrolinx spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins said that Crosslinx is responsible for having a safe workplace.

“Safety is critical to everything Metrolinx does. We are monitoring the situation on CTS sites and all of our construction sites closely to ensure the constructors live up to their obligations to provide a safe environment both on and around their construction sites,” she said in a statement.

To date, there have been no outbreaks at Metrolinx workplaces such as stations, plants, maintenance facilities or offices.

Clarrie FeinsteinClarrie Feinstein

Clarrie is a former Daily Hive Toronto Staff Writer.

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