BC to enjoy mild winter, rest of Canada to be crushed with cold

Sep 23 2016, 9:08 pm

The Farmers’ Almanac is like your crazy old uncle who still doesn’t understand that the internet is on computers but somehow can ‘feel’ a storm coming (through his knee replacement) from 70 miles off with 80% accuracy.

Except that The Farmers’ Almanac is online and knows a thing or two about predicting weather patterns, sans the fake knee.

In fact, in an interview on CBC’s Metro Morning, Farmers’ Almanac Editor Peter Geiger claimed that they’re accurate 80 to 85% of the time.

Here’s the description The Canadian Farmers’ Almanac is tossing around for their 2017 winter forecast:

“Exceptionally cold–if not downright frigid–winter weather will predominate over parts of the Rockies, Prairies, Great Lakes, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime Provinces. Newfoundland and Labrador are expected to be cold and flaky. In contrast, milder-than-normal temperatures will prevail over British Columbia.”


So, if you’re reading this in BC, enjoy not living in the death grip of a truly intense Canadian winter.

And if you’re not reading this in BC, move there. Now.

Eric WainwrightEric Wainwright

Eric is a former Managing Editor for Daily Hive and previously the Editor-in-Chief at Notable.ca. He has been helping to create, grow, and direct digital content for the past decade. He is one of the oldest millennials you will ever meet.

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