Federal government unveils $1.5 billion Canada co-op housing program

Jun 10 2024, 6:57 pm

A new $1.5 billion fund to provide financial support for the construction of co-operative housing is being called the largest Government of Canada investment to build co-op housing in the last 30 years.

“By focusing on people over profits, co-operative housing is able to keep housing affordable for the long term,” said Sean Fraser, federal minister of Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities, in a statement.

“It will help build thousands of new homes and create a new generation of co-operative housing across Canada.”

The  Co‑operative Housing Development Program will provide a combination of low-cost repayable loans and direct non-repayable funding contributions to build and expand co-ops, which are managed by the residents who live in the co-op complex, without any outside landlord.

According to the Co-Operative Housing Federation of Canada, recent data suggests over 2,200 non-profit housing co-ops across the country, providing homes for over 250,000 people in over 90,000 households. There are currently about 275 co-ops with nearly 16,000 units in British Columbia, about 130 co-ops with over 6,700 units in the Prairie provinces, over 550 co-ops with over 44,000 units in Ontario, and more than 1,100 co-ops with over 22,500 units in Quebec.

Previous CMHC studies suggest non-profit co-ops cost about 14% less to operate than conventional non-profit housing.

“The program acknowledges the unique value of co-operative housing in providing affordable, secure homes, and fostering strong and inclusive communities. The program will kick-start the construction of the next generation of co-op housing, which is part of how we will solve the housing crisis. The co-op housing sector is once again ready to build,” said Tim Ross, the executive director of the Co-Operative Housing Federation of Canada.

According to the federal government, the new program could help catalyze a new wave of co-op homes by 2028. The program will focus on projects that offer affordability for those most in need.

The application process for co-op housing providers begins on July 15, 2024, with the first intake round remaining open through the middle of September.

This adds to the federal government’s low-cost loan and direct funding programs, which are designed to catalyze secured purpose-built rental housing projects across the country. It is part of the various new initiatives announced just before and during this year’s federal budget.

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Kenneth ChanKenneth Chan

Kenneth is the Urbanized Editor of Daily Hive. He covers everything from local architecture and urban issues to design, economic development, and more. He has worked in various roles in the company since joining in 2012. Got a story idea? Email Kenneth at [email protected]

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