Brampton elementary school staff tests positive for coronavirus

Sep 4 2020, 3:02 pm

Peel District School Board reported a positive COVID-19 case at a Brampton elementary school among one of their staff members last week.

According to PDSB, a staff member from Ross Drive Public School was in the building on August 27 and has since tested positive for the virus.

In a letter shared to Daily Hive, staff were told Peel Public Health are investigating and will identify the places the person infected went and who they were in close contact with.

“Peel Public Health will advise us if any other measures need to be taken by the workplace or staff to reduce the risk of transmission,” said Ross Drive Principal Greg Harris.

The individual had worn a mask and socially distanced while they were in the building at all times; however, they did not work at the school during the “period of contagion.”

“The identity of the individual is protected under privacy legislation and cannot be shared.
Upon notification of this case, we immediately reached out to Peel Public Health to inform them of the situation.”

PDSB said regular cleaning had happened at the school; however, enhanced cleaning and sanitizing was amplified once the school became aware.

Karen DoradeaKaren Doradea

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