5 reasons why you should work in sales

Dec 13 2016, 8:09 am

Firefighter, teacher, astronaut, and ballerina – those were the careers we wanted when we were little.

But when we started to grow up, we started thinking about becoming doctors, electricians, CEOs, and architects. Some of us, of course, didn’t know what we wanted to do, and even in university many of us still don’t.

That’s why we need to expand our horizons, and think about jobs that escaped our notice before. Jobs in sales.

There are tons of benefits to working in sales that most people never think of, and that’s why we’ve put together a list of five reasons why you should consider it.

The growth potential is uncapped

When you work in sales, you’ll never find yourself in a dead-end job. Nearly 20% of people in CEO positions started their careers somewhere in sales, so if you’re looking to work your way to the top then this is a good place to start. Don’t think you can get by without a good chunk of hard work though – promotions in sales are strictly performance based, so you can’t fake it until you make it.

Every day is different



There is never a humdrum day in sales. There will always be new challenges to solve and new people to interact with – and that means you’ll always be growing. It’s the perfect work environment for someone who is always learning, especially if they want to apply what they learn.

You fit in any industry, anywhere in the world

How do you drive your business forward? Hire a salesperson. Every company that wants to innovate needs to invest in salespeople, so that means that you can work in a field you’re passionate about. Love food? Tech? Beauty products? There’s a company somewhere in the world that’s looking for you.

The job market is always up



As long as there’s something to sell, there needs to be someone to sell it. No matter what happens to the economy, sales people will be in demand in some way or another. There might not be job security at one particular company, but when you look at the industry as a whole, there’s always something out there for someone who’s willing to put in some effort.

Get responsibility right out of the gate

There aren’t many positions that will give you real responsibility right out of college or university, but sales is one of them. Business to business sales, unlike business to customer sales, are rarely a one-time deal. They are intricate and often reoccurring, meaning you’ll be able to turn these client relationships into long-term partnerships. And in the process, you’ll get responsibility for maintaining that relationship on your own.

Working in sales is very different from your average nine to five, but the rewards and experience can make it the perfect job.

The best way to get a start in sales is through networking, establishing a group of people that know and trust you to do the job well. And now you can develop those connections by checking out the Great Canadian Sales Competition (GCSC).

The GCSC is a three round competition that invites students from across Canada to discover their sales skills. The first round just came to a close receiving 2,187 contestants.

In the second round, selected candidates will be introduced to one of 25 sponsors, and they’ll learn how to pitch that company’s products and services.

The final round takes place on March 9, when 25 finalists will be flown to Toronto to take place in a live sales meeting. They’ll be mentored by senior business leaders from world-class companies, getting a chance to network with all 25 sponsors.

The winner will receive $7,500, and the four runners up will get $1,000 each. Not bad for something that gives you a leg up in your sales career.

The first round in the competition finished on January 8, so there aren’t anymore opportunities to enter. Don’t kick yourself too hard if you missed out, in the meantime you can still check out the GCSC’s tips for putting together a great pitch, so you’re more than prepared for next year. Check out their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more information.

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