President Trump showing "mild symptoms" after contracting coronavirus

Oct 2 2020, 5:38 pm

Late Thursday evening, President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he and his wife, Melania, have both tested positive for COVID-19.

Updates came shortly after from Sean Conley, physician to the President, who wrote, “The President and First Lady are both well at this time. They plan to stay at home within the White House.”

According to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows — who did not wear a mask when meeting with the media this morning — everyone on staff is either quarantining or being tested for coronavirus, or both.

“They remain in good spirits,” said Meadows in a news conference Friday morning. “The president does have mild symptoms.” According to Meadows, the Trump administration discovered the positive test results of senior aide Hope Hicks “as Marine One was taking off” on Thursday morning.

After questioning from media at the White House, Meadows said that the president is very much still functioning and eager to do his job.

First Lady Melania sent out a thank you tweet this morning, stating that she also has “mild symptoms.”

Many have sent the president and first lady well wishes over social media, including Vice President Mike Pence, opposition Joe Biden, and Oregon and Washington Governors Kate Brown and Jay Inslee.


Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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