We may be entering the fall surge in COVID-19 cases: Washington Health

Oct 20 2020, 5:38 pm

Washington State Department of Health officials are warning that we may now be entering the “fall surge” as case numbers in western Washington counties climb at an alarming rate.

According to the department, cases numbers are increasing due to widespread disease transmission, which “could have very serious consequences for our healthcare system, local plans to open schools, the state’s economic recovery, and beyond.”

“A surge in COVID-19 along with flu season puts us at enormous risk of overwhelming our hospital systems and undoing other important statewide progress toward containment,” said Secretary of Health John Wiesman in a press release. “However, all of us doing our part can turn this trend around.”

“It’s time to flatten the curve again,” said State Health Officer Dr. Kathy Lofy. “I’m optimistic we can get our kids in school, keep our businesses open, and control the spread of COVID-19 if everyone does their part.”

Washingtonians can help keep the virus from spreading by continuing to wear masks, keeping gatherings small and outside, washing hands, and staying home if you’re sick.

Alyssa TherrienAlyssa Therrien

Alyssa is the former Staff Writer for Daily Hive US. She loves concerts, cats, and everything edible.

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