Seattle Seahawks commit $700,000 to pay part-time employees

Mar 20 2020, 11:12 pm

Just because it’s offseason for the Seattle Seahawks doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten about The 12s who work in the stadium.

On Friday afternoon, Vulcan Inc., the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, the Portland Trail Blazers, and the Seattle Seahawks announced they’ve committed over $700,000 to pay part-time employees affected by canceled events at both CenturyLink Field and Portland’s Moda Center.

The large donation will also go towards supporting local food banks and blood drives with Bloodworks Northwest.

“We are thoughtfully assessing ways we can help mitigate some of these impacts [of coronavirus], and we are grateful to the many health care workers, partners, local and regional authorities, fellow funders and business leaders on the front lines in Seattle and Portland.

“While we work as a community to respond to this crisis, we take seriously the shared responsibility to follow official public health guidance and be diligent in our social distancing during these challenging times,” said co-founder and chair of Vulcan Inc., the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, and chair of the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trail Blazers, Jody Allen, in a Seahawks news report.

In addition to paying the part-time workers, The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation has donated $500,000 to the Seattle Foundation’s coronavirus response fund. The Seahawks are also expected to make a donation.