Cooler weather and clouds in the forecast for Portland this week

Oct 5 2020, 6:46 pm

Fall is actually here, Rose City.

This week’s forecast for Portland is looking to include a whole lot of cloud coverage and some cooler weather.

Summer has stuck around for quite some time, and we’re finally into the harvest season with some sweater weather and sun-blocking clouds. So, as we watch the trees turn to magnificent ranges of autumn shades, let’s take a look at the actual forecast of Portland for the week of October 5.

Starting Monday, we already see a dip into the mid-to-low 60Ā°F range and could see a swing up to the mid-70sĀ in the late afternoon.Ā 

For the rest of the week, we see a peak of sunshine on Tuesday, before Wednesday through Friday dips back down to the low 60sĀ with covered skies.

If you’re planning on getting some vitamin D, be sure to lather up and head out tomorrow; otherwise, you may not get any for a while.

Luckily, our week in Portland doesn’t look to bring any rain, so it will be a nice excuse to throw on a sweater and go for a safe walk.

Looking ahead to the weekend on the horizon, the cloud coverage over Oregon will turn into a weekend filled with rain.

Be sure to check out the Daily Hive Weather page for all of your up-to-date forecasts.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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