Portland's Bureau of Transportation limiting some traffic for pedestrian use

May 7 2020, 11:18 pm

The Portland Bureau of Transportation has permanently closed some smaller side streets to non-local traffic in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The plan includes the expansion of sidewalks into the road to allow pedestrians the ability to maintain a 6-foot space between themselves and other citizens.

For this to work, the PBoT had to enact some new regulations.

Beginning on Thursday, select small streets in Portland will feature large signage and notices that only local vehicle travel will be permitted. The slowing of car traffic will allow more space for pedestrians to distance themselves.

These neighborhood greenways, opening up foot traffic on the road, will also promote more outdoor activities to Portlandians. The PBoT wants to free up as much space as possible so that local residents can feel safer leaving their homes.

Our Neighborhood Greenway network gives Portlanders many ways to improve their mental & physical health during this public health crisis,” wrote the Portland Bureau of Transportation on Twitter. “Please understand it takes all of us working together to make this program successful.

Wyatt FossettWyatt Fossett

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