The Oregon Health Authority confirmed 215 new known cases of COVID-19, with no additional deaths, on Thursday.
At the time of writing, the total number of known cases in Oregon sits at 30,060, with 521 deaths.
According to Oregon Health Authority, the new cases reported today are in the following counties: Benton (two), Clackamas (11), Clatsop (one), Columbia (three), Deschutes (seven), Douglas (one), Grant (two), Hood River (one), Jackson (14), Jefferson (seven), Klamath (seven), Lane (23), Linn (11), Malheur (11), Marion (28), Morrow (one), Multnomah (43), Polk (two), Tillamook (one), Umatilla (seven), Washington (29), and Yamhill (three).
- See also:
Oregon’s face covering ordinance continues to be in effect, which mandates that all Oregonians wear masks when in public if a distance of six feet cannot be maintained. This includes indoor and outdoor spaces.
Newest additions to the mask ordinance include children, people working in an office space, and many types of businesses open to the public.