Uber will deliver ice cream to you in Montreal today for FREE

Jul 15 2016, 11:32 pm

Uber loves to bring you things.

Cars, food, puppies, flowers – they make a real (marketing) effort to keep themselves in your rearview mirror at all times.

And they’re not stopping anytime soon. In fact, today, between 12 pm and 4 pm, they’ll bring you ice cream wherever you are for FREE. That’s right, ice cream on demand without any cash leaving your hand.

No. Big. Deal.

Just open your Uber app between 12-4pm and select the ice cream instant delivery!

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This year UBER Montreal is partnering with FCO di Fiumicino, a local Italian shop, to deliver premium and indulgent gelato across the city. As July is strawberry season, you’ll get to experience the freshness and sweetness of Racine Petits Fruits‘ strawberries with every gelato bite.

The bonus? One lucky winner will fly to Rome to eat more gelato. By successfully requesting #UberIceCream today, you’ll get a chance to win 2 round-trip tickets to beautiful Rome, Italy.

Talk about the best #TGIF ever!


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