The SAQ is increasing the price of over 1,400 products

Oct 31 2022, 4:15 pm

On Monday the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) announced that prices were once again going up.

The new hooch hike, which the SAQ attributes to an “inflationary environment,” is the third increase in the past 12 months. According to a press release, as of November 6, an “upward adjustment averaging 2.4% to the prices of 1,458 products” will be made.

“The inflation we’ve seen in the last few months affects most consumer products,” said Catherine Dagenais, the SAQ’s president and chief executive officer. “Unfortunately, wines and spirits are no exception to the rule. Aware of this upward trend and of suppliers’ legitimate demands related to the challenges they face, our category management teams have succeeded in negotiating a fair price. The upcoming price adjustments reflect market realities as well as our desire to maintain an exceptional product offer at fair and competitive prices for our customers.”

News for customers isn’t all bad, though. While many bottles get more expensive, the prices of the 1,389 other products will remain unchanged. Better yet, the SAQ announced that a “decrease” averaging 1.3% will be applied to 539 of their products.

So, while price tags on shelves and online checkout carts are up, shoppers will still have access to plenty of discounts as well.