The RCMP wants help naming their new litter of police puppies

Feb 13 2019, 4:14 am

A new litter of RCMP police dogs has just been born, and theyā€™re in serious need of names. Mostly because calling them “oh my gosh they’re so adorable” doesn’t have lasting effects when it comes to training.

Like the RCMP has done in past years, theyā€™ve opened up a contest for kids to submit suggestions on what to call these 13 fur-balls, who will soon grow into fierce ā€“ though no less loveable ā€“ police dogs.

The 13 German Shepherd pups were born at the RCMP Police Dog Service Training Centre (PDSTC) in Innisfail, Alberta and they are face-squishingly cute.


There are a few rules surrounding the contest, of course (weā€™re talking about police here, after all), including a maximum age of 14 years old.

All successful names will have to begin with the letter M, be no more than two syllables or nine letters, and be submitted by Canadian kids (only one entry per child will be eligible) by March 26.

The winning names will be announced on April 30, and the kids who sent in the winning names will receive a laminated portrait of the puppy, a plushie, and an official RCMP baseball hat.

Submissions can be madeĀ onlineĀ or through the mail to:

Attn: “Name the Puppy Contest”
Police Dog Service Training Centre
Box 6120
Innisfail, AB T4G 1S8

Winning names will be chosen by the PDSTC staff. A draw will determine the winning entry in the event of multiple submissions of the same puppy name.

Even if a submission isnā€™t chosen this month, it could potentially be used to name another puppy down the line.

Sorry grown-ups,Ā if youĀ doĀ think of a really good nameā€¦ youā€™ll just have to buy your own pup this time around (or whisper it into your kid’s ear).

Ty JadahTy Jadah

Tyler is the Montreal City Editor at Daily Hive. He goes by "Ty" for short and "Tyl" for medium.

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