Gyms, indoor pools, arenas can reopen throughout Quebec as of today

Jun 22 2020, 12:15 pm

As Quebec continues its deconfinement measures throughout a number of industries, gyms, indoor pools, and arenas can also reopen today throughout the province.

Quebec’s Minister for Education and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Isabelle Charest, along with the National Director of Public Health Dr. Horacio Arruda, made the announcement last week.

“More and more people are moving around outside and Quebecers are practicing sports they hadn’t tried before,” said Charest in French from Quebec City. “Spots are an important aspect of our lives and I am happy to announce we can know expand the deconfinement sector of sports once again.”

Quebecers are still expected to comply with physical distancing and hygiene guidelines put in place by public health among the reopening.

“It is necessary to make adjustments so everyone can enjoy our favourite outdoor activities,” she continued. “Accidental physical contact happens and it will be accepted but we’re asking athletes to be more mindful of where they are on the playing field.”

Charest says the announcement will bring a little bit more “normalization” to Quebecers and that hand-to-hand combat sports still need more time to be evaluated.

Charest stressed that sports and outdoor activities are good for our mental and physical states.

Earlier this month, the province lifted the ban on outdoor team sports including soccer, baseball, tennis, and golf.

Today has become an important launching date for various sectors across Quebec, including hosting clients inside restaurants in Montreal, places of worship, cinemas, beaches, theatres, and concert venues.

Physical distancing guidelines have also diminished from the oft-mentioned two-metres to one and a half. Indoor gatherings now permit a maximum of 50 people.