Quebec unveils deconfinement protocols for when schools and daycares reopen

May 5 2020, 5:06 pm

Quebec’s work health safety commission has unveiled its deconfinement protocols for when schools and daycares reopen throughout the province.

The work health safety commission, officially the Commission des normes, de l’assurance, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), has provided what it calls a “COVID-19 kit” which parents and staff are expected to follow when classes resume on May 11 (and May 19 in Montreal and Laval.)

The CNESST highlights that primarily, anyone presenting symptoms of the disease (fever, coughing, respiratory problems) are forbidden from entering school property.

Before every school day, personnel and staff must answer a daily “health standard guide” and perform a self-diagnosis. The CNESST is also prohibiting any employee or student from entering school property if they live at the same address as someone who is in mandated self-quarantine.

Should a student or child display virus symptoms, the student/child will be isolated by an employee wearing scrubs, masks, gloves, and a visor.

Physical distancing measures of two metres must be respected throughout school property and “any type of physical contact” is to be avoided and students are asked to always use the same desk.

Gatherings will be avoided as much as possible by closing cafeterias and reducing the time of recesses. Lunches can be consumed at the student’s desk or outdoors while respecting the two-metre guideline.

“The reopening of preschools and elementary schools in the coming days represents a return to the workplace for thousands of school staff across Quebec,” says Jean Boulet, the Minister of Labour.

“It’s back to school like Quebec has never known. These tools are the result of a collaboration between the CNESST, the General Directorate of Public Health, and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

“Their goal is to reduce the spread of the virus and protect the health and safety of workers. I invite all stakeholders in the education sector to take note of the tools available and to use them. ”

The daily health standard guide can be downloaded on the CNESST website.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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