Quebec celebrities encourage citizens to stay home (VIDEOS)

Mar 19 2020, 2:23 pm

A bevy of Quebec celebrities took to social media following a request from Premier François Legault for their help encouraging citizens to stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Tuesday, Legault asked for Quebec’s “young leaders,” artists, and champions to come forward and help “spread information, not the virus.”

Using the hashtag #onseprotège, local well-known athletes, artists, and personalities rallied behind Legault’s call for people to reduce non-essential travel.

Quebec confirmed its first coronavirus-related death on Wednesday and the province, at time of writing, has 94 confirmed cases.

Legault retweeted some of the celebrity endorsements and thanked them for their support.

Note: With coronavirus on the rise, Quebec Public Health is reminding individuals who attend events and large gatherings to monitor their health for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. And if you’re not feeling well, they recommend staying home at this time. Also, due to unexpected cancellations, please check the event you plan to attend is still taking place. Keep up with COVID-19 news here.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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