It's expected to feel like 30ºC this weekend in Montreal

Sep 23 2020, 2:19 pm

Summer is officially in the rear-view mirror but mother nature is still bringing the heat.

According to The Weather Network’s week-long forecast, Montreal is slated to get hit with some summertime weather this weekend.

Weekend ‘feels like’ temperatures are expected to reach highs of 30ºC on Saturday and 27ºC on Sunday (with showers).

The Weather Network

What’s equally encouraging is that Thursday and Friday are expected to hover around the low 20s and Wednesday’s ‘feels like’ high is expected to reach 27ºC by 3 pm.

The Weather Network

Overall for autumn, Quebec is expected to have extended periods of “nice fall weather during the next few months as above-seasonal temperatures are expected to dominate,” says The Weather Network. “While a couple tastes of early winter can still be expected during the season, November is expected to be much milder than last year when winter-like weather dominated the month.”

For now, let’s enjoy some weekend sunshine and heat.


Ty JadahTy Jadah

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