Sleepless in Montreal: study says we're among the worst sleepers the world

Oct 7 2021, 3:01 pm

Along with potholes, orange pylons, and moody weather, Montreal can add another problem to its list of struggles — it’s one of the most sleep-stressed cities in the world.

Mornings, a United Kingdom guide to mattresses, released a new report that used data from Twitter gathered in June 2021 to see which cities reported the most stressful sleep.

They used a research tool called TensiStrength to help them pull tweets that used sleep-related terms, geotagged them, and then rated them on a stress scale to find the results.

Montreal ranked third in Canada, behind only Toronto and Vancouver.

worst sleep in Canada


According to their report, Montreal had the third-highest percentage of stressful tweets related to sleep, at 47.48%.

Worldwide, Montreal just cracked the top 20 worst places for sleep, claiming the 20th spot. Rochester, New York, took the number one spot.

worst sleep


 The Montreal Neurotherapy Center says that sleep deprivation is linked with heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, and obesity. Not getting enough sleep could affect your emotional regulation.

The Center says a thorough assessment of people’s sleep issues can be created as a treatment for non-sleeper’s specific needs.

You can check out the Mornings’ full report to see how people worldwide are sleeping according to their tweets.

With files from Sarah Anderson