Police issue over $55k in fines at illegal gathering north of Montreal

Jan 25 2021, 9:38 pm

A group of partiers in the Laurentians, just north of Montreal, have received over $55,000 in combined fines by police after partaking in an illegal weekend gathering.

On Saturday night, just before 10 pm, Mirabel Police were called to a residence where they were alerted of an indoor gathering of “about 45 people.”

In a phone call with Daily Hive, a spokesperson for Mirabel Police confirmed that officers shut down a party and issued tickets to 36 non-COVID-19 guideline compliers.

Mirabel police say it took roughly two hours to dish out the fines of $1,546 each. In total, police issued $55,565 worth of fines at the illegal gathering alone.

In Montreal, police were swarmed with over 500 calls from citizens claiming health guidelines weren’t being followed.

The Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) received 545 calls from neighbours and locals worried about Montrealers breaking protocol rules during the week of January 18 to 24.

The SPVM says police officers issued 773 infractions, 396 of which were related to curfew violators.

From now until at least February 8, anyone outside of their home from 8 pm to 5 am without a valid reason can be subject to infractions. It’s still fineable in the province to gather indoors or outdoors with people outside your household (at any time), and businesses must function at a specific capacity relative to their size.

Ty JadahTy Jadah

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