McGill ranks in the top 20 universities in the world for employability

Nov 18 2016, 12:44 am

On Wednesday, November 16, Times Higher Education released their Global University Employability Ranking for 2016.

Utilizing a list of employability predictors including professional experience, excellent academic record, and graduation from a top university, and defining employability as “a set of job-related aptitudes, attitudes, and behaviours,” Times Higher Education was able to devise a ranking of the top universities in the world in terms of employability.

The top 3 institutions in the 2016 rankings were the California Institute of Technology, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University.

Though universities from the United States and the United Kingdom certainly dominated, two Canadian universities also made the top 20.

The University of Toronto came in at number 14, while Montreal’s very own McGill University was ranked 18th in the world for employability.

Congratulations, McGill, and of course, congratulations to all the McGillians out there who can rest easy knowing they have a pretty good chance of finding a job in the future.

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